We want to thank everyone for coming out to our December family engagement!
over 1 year ago, Andolyn Campbell
Family Engagement
Family Engagement
Family Engagement
Family Engagement
Family Engagement
Family Engagement
Family Engagement
We are just going through Locust Grove. We will be at the Bus Barn at 12:00.
over 1 year ago, Kenny Littlefield
We want to thank Jacob Fuson for coming in and speaking to our career classes about his career.
over 1 year ago, Andolyn Campbell
There will be no cross country practice tomorrow or Friday!
over 1 year ago, Aky'sha Teehee
This week's winners of the Golden Lunch Tray Awards.... Jr High 7th & 8th Grade Basketball Boys Mrs George - Kindergarten These guys know how to use their manners in the cafeteria....you make us Proud To Be A Raider !
over 1 year ago, Diane Weston
over 1 year ago, Logan Turner
The band concert set for tonight at 6:00 at the fine arts building - Stilwell High school has been cancelled due to sickness. Band director Todd Robertson will release a date to reschedule the concert. Sorry for the inconvenience.
over 1 year ago, OWENS ASHLEY
BAND CHRISTMAS CONCERT Our junior high band students will be participating in the Band Christmas Concert at Stilwell High School's Fine Arts Building tonight, December 12th at 6:00pm. Please go support our students and hear some beautiful music.
over 1 year ago, Sheridan Soap
The Christmas Bash is this evening at 5:30 in the Old Gym. Come out and have some fun during our Family Engagement night. We will be making Christmas ornaments and Santa will be here to take pictures with students. We will be serving Christmas cookies and Hot Chocolate.
over 1 year ago, Maryetta School
Drama club has been working hard on their Santa hats.
over 1 year ago, Andolyn Campbell
Drama Club
Drama Club
Drama Club
Drama Club
Drama Club
Raiders Give Back!!🩷 Maryetta Service and Leadership Club was able to donate $3,524.79 to the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Tulsa from the proceeds of our PowderPuff Football t-shirt and concession sales. Thanks to all who contributed to our PowderPuff event to make this donation possible. Today, our students were able to tour the Ronald McDonald House and see all the things they provide for families.
over 1 year ago, Keisha Chewey
We will have 4 games tomorrow with Grandview. The 5/6 girls will play first and the 5th grade boys will play after. Then it will be 7/8 girls and boys. Thursday's games at Justice Taiwa will be 5/6 girls and 6th grade boys followed by 7/8 girls and boys.
over 1 year ago, Kenny Littlefield
Due to the OKC Thunder Trip tomorrow the games with Brushy have been canceled.
over 1 year ago, Kenny Littlefield
Weekly Events!
over 1 year ago, Maryetta School
Longshore, Hardbarger and Vann's classes with Santa. Maryetta has some great kiddos, they're all on the nice list.
over 1 year ago, Maryetta School
Daycare and Kindergarten pictures with Santa!
over 1 year ago, Maryetta School
over 1 year ago, Logan Turner
Chambers, Frederick, Poindexter and Stilwell classes with Santa.
over 1 year ago, Maryetta School
Santa’s Helpers
Please plan to attend our next Family Engagement Tuesday, Dec. 12th at 5:30 in the Old Gym.
over 1 year ago, Family Engagement
Family Engagement
Look who's here in the Preschool!!! Hoping all the students are on the nice list.... we will see.... more pictures to come.
over 1 year ago, Maryetta School