Due to inclement weather, Maryetta School will be distance learning on Friday, January 12th. Please stay warm and safe!
about 1 year ago, Carlene Yell
Mena , doing her thing at school! :)
about 1 year ago, Diane Weston
mena 6
mena 5
mena 4
mena 3
mena 2
mena 1
It's a Hat Trick for Mrs Dandridge's room! Congrats on the 3rd win for the Golden Lunch Tray!
about 1 year ago, Diane Weston
Our 6th Grade Girls AND Boys rock'in the manners in the cafeteria this week...Congratulations!
about 1 year ago, Diane Weston
6th Grade Girls GLT
6th Grade Boys GLT
Come out for a FUN night learning MATH with games!! Family Engagement /Jan. 25th /5:30-6:30
about 1 year ago, Family Engagement
Family Engagement
Ms. Huval's 4th grade classroom at Maryetta School has been chosen as the recipient of the esteemed Carolyn Watson Rural Community Foundation Grant. This generous grant has provided Ms. Huval's class with the opportunity to purchase essential materials for their science curriculum. The winning project submitted by Ms. Huval's class is titled "Invisible Forces of Energy". With the grant funds, the class has been able to acquire BriQ Motion Lego Sets from Lego Education, along with other supplies for building Sail Cars. These resources have allowed the students to dive deep into the fascinating world of wind energy and understand its influence on the movement and physical characteristics of various objects, including landforms. The exploration of wind energy has served as a stepping stone for a comprehensive study on the weathering and erosion of Earth's landforms. By bridging the topics of energy and the dynamic processes that shape our planet's surface, this project has enriched the traditional classroom curriculum and deepened the students' comprehension of these vital scientific concepts. Ms. Huval and her students would like to express their utmost gratitude to the Carolyn Watson Rural Oklahoma Community Foundation for their extraordinary generosity. The grant has had a profound impact on the students' learning journey, establishing a strong foundation for their scientific exploration and discovery. For more information about the Carolyn Watson Rural Community Foundation and their initiatives, please visit their website at www.occf.org/rural
about 1 year ago, Amanda Huval
Lego Education Sail Cars
Sail Car Races
Sail Cars
Due to the weather, there will be no cross country practice today!
about 1 year ago, Aky'sha Teehee
Weekly Events!
about 1 year ago, Maryetta School
Just a reminder that the Woodall 6th grade tournament starts tomorrow. The girls will play at 1:00 and the Boys will play at 1:45.
about 1 year ago, Kenny Littlefield
Woodall 2
Managing Winter Weather Threats: Inclement Weather Procedures As winter weather approaches, we want to remind you of our inclement weather procedures to ensure the safety of our students and staff. Here are the steps we will take in the event of a winter weather occurrence: ❄️ We will monitor the weather closely through local news stations and the National Weather Service, which will serve as our primary source of information. ❄️ If possible, we will attempt to make the decision to close school the night before a winter weather event. If this is not possible, our goal is to make the decision by 5:30 am on the day in question. ❄️ If school is closed, we will send message alerts to all parents and staff via email, text, and voice message. You can also find updates on local news sources and our district's social media accounts. Be sure to download the Maryetta app and follow us on Facebook. ❄️ We will continue to monitor the weather and road conditions throughout the day to determine whether or not school will be closed the following day. Our top priority is always the safety and well-being of our students and staff. We will make the best decisions possible based on the information we have available to us. Stay warm, Raiders!
about 1 year ago, Carlene Yell
The Tournament games at Ft Smith are still on for today and tomorrow. The 7/8 boys will need to be at the Activity Center at 1:15 today to practice and the bus will leave at 2:00. The game time for the boys is 4:00. The Girls will need to meet at the Activity Center in the morning at 8:00 to leave for Ft Smith and play at 10:00.
about 1 year ago, Kenny Littlefield
Maryetta School will not have school today
about 1 year ago, Lori Means
Due to inclement weather and the snowy conditions, forecasted for today, Maryetta will be closed. Have a safe day at home.
about 1 year ago, Carlene Yell
6th grade Woodall Tournament, Jan. 8th - 11th.
about 1 year ago, Aky'sha Teehee
7th/8th grade Trinity Tournament (Ft. Smith)
about 1 year ago, Aky'sha Teehee
Weekly Events!
about 1 year ago, Maryetta School
I would like to send a big shout out to the Ladies who volunteered their time and worked concession today for the 7/8 Christmas Scrimmage. Thank You Very Much!!!!!
about 1 year ago, Kenny Littlefield
Our annual 7/8 grade Christmas Shootout Scrimmage is tomorrow starting at 9:00. You are welcome to come out and watch. We are not charging admission.
about 1 year ago, Kenny Littlefield
Christmas Scrimmage
Weekly Events!
over 1 year ago, Maryetta School
Creators Club members have been making block snowmen, penguins, Santa's and more to share. This week students were able to deliver their creations to a Maryetta staff member.
over 1 year ago, Andolyn Campbell
Creators Club
Creators Club
Creators Club
Creators Club
Creators Club
Creators Club
Creators Club
Creators Club
Creators Club
Creators Club