24-25 Softball Schedule

Mrs. Elms' 7th grade Leadership students were able to visit some of the Preschool classes today! I think the big kids had just as much fun as the littles!

Welcome Runners!

Our next and last Future Cheer practice is Monday August 26th from 3:00 to 4:15. The performance will be Thursday the 29th. Shirts will be handed out Wednesday. Go Raiders!

Tahlequah XC Meet
Congratulations to our Maryetta Raiders who placed 1st and our Lady Raiders who placed 2nd!

Maryetta Softball
5/6 Festival
7/8 Tournament 2024

Today is the first Future Raiders Cheer practice. It will start at 3:00 and last until 4:15. You can pick up the kids at the boys and girls club. Let's Go Raiders!

Jr. High Dance:
Permission slips will be handed on Wednesday 9/4. Students will need the permission slip and the grade appointed item to get in.
6th grade students - cookies or candy, 7th grade students - a bag of chips or dip, and 8th grade students - a 2-liter of pop.

Thursday Softball Games
Tomorrow's 5/6 and 7/8 games at Briggs will begin at 4:00. Due to a scheduling conflict for Briggs the 7/8 will play first at 4:00 followed by the 5/6.

2024 Football Schedule

2024 Maryetta Cross Country.

It's that time of the year again!! Maryetta school picture day is this Thursday, August 22. Students will be going home with picture forms today, prepaying is the preferred method.
Parents/guardians, please make sure your students are dressed their best and wear their best smiles that day!

Today's Softball games with Rocky Mt have been canceled due to field conditions.

There will be cross country practice all week after school.

Today's softball games have been cancelled due to field conditions.

Weekly Events!

There are only two days left to sign up for Future Raiders Cheer. $25 for one or $40 for two. Money is due by 3:00PM Friday August 16th. Let's go Raiders!

There will be cross country practice today and tomorrow after school.

Maryetta 3rd and 4th grade softball schedule.

Heads up! The Maryetta Book Fair will be September 16th-20th! Feel free to email me with any questions. Notes/fliers and info coming soon!