We would like to re-emphasize that we are always security aware--today and each day of the school year.
The Adair County Administrators were made aware of a rumor circling on social media concerning a threat made several years ago.
Just know that the threat pertained to Adair Kentucky and NOT Adair County or Stilwell, Oklahoma.
Maryetta is always working to keep all our Raiders as safe as possible and if any concern comes up that is applicable to our school or community, we will reach out to teachers, staff and families.

Maryetta had a couple of kids participate in the NATURALS 2024 Read for Tickets Presented by Arkansas Tech University! Students were asked to read at least 30 minutes a day for a whole week. Great job!!

The stoplight by the new High School Gym.

Tomorrow evening's game against Woodall will be played at the Sequoyah High School Football field. You will need to take the entrance at the Stoplight by the new High Gym. Due to construction on the visitors side of the football field at Sequoyah, the visitors bleachers are not accessible. We were told that all visiting fans will need to bring lawn chairs or blankets and can sit on the big hill behind the west end zone or possibly on the visitor side if there are places available. You are also welcome to sit on the home side. Both groups need to go to extended care after school. The busses will leave at 3:55. We will make sure each student calls when we are leaving Tahlequah after the games to let you know our return time. Game time is 5:00 for 5/6 and 6:00 for 7/8.

Revised Weekly Events!
Game times have been changed on Wednesday 9/11 and 9/12 in the Rocky Mt Fast Pitched Festival. (7th/8th grade girls)

The Book Fair is Coming! Clink the following link for information - see you soon!

Our P3, P4, and Kindergarten students are learning simple step forward underhand throw and how to catch a small ball this week in psychomotor plus their normal workouts. This is Mrs. Stilwell's class.

Weekly Events!

Come join us September 23rd for a FUN time exploring skins and skulls with Game Warden David Garrett.
EXCITED to see YOU!!

There will be no cross country practice today after school 09-06-24.

Mark your calendars!

If there is a change in your student's after school routine (parent pickup, extended care, rides the bus), please call the front office and let us know by 2:15 pm that day. Last minute changes are very difficult and make it hard to ensure students are in the correct places at the end of the day. Thank you!

REVISED Weekly Events!

Great OSDE resource shared with Maryetta staff today. This is an anonymous reporting system for students, parents, staff and the community.

Maryetta Project AWARE presents September's Mental Health Series calendar.
#MPSAWARE #MentalHealthMonday

Weekly Events!

A few of Mrs. Elms' Leadership students visited Mrs. Stilwell's Pre-K class today. They read "Lines That Wiggle" and made lines with rainbow spaghetti! A few of the other students read with Mrs. Caughman's 2nd graders.

Maryetta AWARE/CARE team was seen at the football game last night, spreading valuable information about our upcoming AWARE events! #ProjectAWARE #MaryettaAWARE #GoRAIDERS

Maryetta will be offering 3x5 banner sponsorships. The cost for each banner is $300. We have 22 spots available.

Weekly Events!