HUNTER EDUCATION CLASS Maryetta students , who are 10 years old and up, are welcome to attend the Hunter Education Class tomorrow, Saturday, November 9th, from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. It will be held in the Old Gym and lunch will be provided. Archery now requires students to have a Hunter Education Card. If your child plans to be in Archery this year, and does not already have a card, please try to be at this free event tomorrow.
4 months ago, Sheridan Soap
Thank you everyone for your donation to our Fall Festival! We would also like to thank our Parents and Guardians for their support to our students and school! All proceeds go to the Maryetta School Student's Christmas funds.
4 months ago, OWENS ASHLEY
We are so EXCITED for our next Family Engagement. Come and meet author Suzanna Lynn and BUDDY... the blue Corgi. We will meet on November 21st at 5:30 in the old gym. See you then!!!
4 months ago, Family Engagement
Family Engagement
The online store closes tomorrow, November 6th! If you would like to order a sweatshirt, hoodie, t-shirt, long sleeve, polo, or denim, please click the link below to place your order. All items will be delivered to the school.
4 months ago, Sheridan Soap
No cross country practice today after school, 11-05-24.
4 months ago, Aky'sha Teehee
Just a reminder that ALL students need to be picked up before 4:00pm today. We hope to get staff home safely before strong rain and storms.
4 months ago, Carlene Yell
Revised brackets for the Dahlonegah tournament. 5th grade will now play on Wednesday at 11:00 and 12:00.
4 months ago, Kenny Littlefield
Dahlonegah 1
Dahlonegah 2
ATTENTION PARENTS: Buses will leave and the Parent Pickup Line will begin at 2:00 pm today to get ahead of thunderstorms. ALL students will need to be picked up before 4:00 pm. Thank you!
4 months ago, Sheridan Soap
Maryetta will be remaining in school at this time, however, any parent or guardian wanting to pick up their student early is welcome to do so and it will not count against their attendance. If weather conditions change at any time we will notify parents and guardians of any school cancellations. Thank you!
4 months ago, Sheridan Soap
There will be no cross country practice today after school, 11-04-24.
4 months ago, Aky'sha Teehee
There will be no 4th grade games tonight at Woodall due to the weather. Games will resume tomorrow.
4 months ago, Aky'sha Teehee
Weekly Events!
4 months ago, Maryetta School
Woodall Basketball Tournament Brackets
4 months ago, Sheridan Soap
I left a group off of that list that I would like to give a big shout out and thank you to also. Thank You to our cheerleaders for all your hard work this season.
4 months ago, Kenny Littlefield
Daylight Saving Time! Remember to set your clock back 1 hour.
4 months ago, Maryetta School
Congratulations to our 2024 Maryetta Raiders on bringing home the gold ball. I can't express how proud I am of this group of boys. They are such a great group of kids and it has been a blast to watch them grow and get better each week. Thank you to our Administration and Board Members for making sure we had what we needed and taking care of us. I would also like to thank each and every one of our staff, families, and fans for supporting us all season!! Maryetta Raiders ORES STATE CHAMPIONS!! 🏈
4 months ago, Kenny Littlefield
MARYETTA HARVEST CARNIVAL IS TONIGHT! Chili Supper (Cafeteria) 4:30-6:30 Games/Hayrides/Music/etc. (Outside) 5:30-7:30 Silent Auction/Cotton Candy (Boys & Girls Club) 5:30-7:45 Games are unlimited with the purchase of a $10 ARMBAND.
4 months ago, Sheridan Soap
This is a reminder due to the Harvest Carnival tonight, regular parent pickup will be until 4:00 pm for ALL grades today. Beginning at 4:00 pm to 6:30 pm, 1st-8th grade will need to be picked up at the pool doors. All P3, P4, and KG students will need to be picked up from the preschool by 5:00 pm.
4 months ago, Aky'sha Teehee
Our 7th/8th grade football boys will play tomorrow at Sequoyah against Woodall at 3:00 pm. Admission to the ORES games is $6 per person. Please come out and support our football boys!! Let's go Raiders, let's beat the Wildcats!! Let's take state!!
4 months ago, Aky'sha Teehee