200 Meter Dash Manny Sanchez 5th Place

Please take a few moments to complete the 21st CCLC Family Survey. This helps us make improvements to our extended care program.
Be sure to select Maryetta as your site.

The first annual Community Boys and Girls Club T.R.A.I.L. Walk will be tomorrow morning from 10am - Noon. We hope everyone can get out and enjoy this event!

Mile Run J'Lee Ramsey 4th Place

4x200 Meter Relay 2nd place

400 Meter Dash Kyleigh Hawk 2nd Place

400 Dash Ryker Muskrat 5th Place

800 Meter Dash Denver Bruner 4th Place

100 Meter Dash Jadon Pettigrew 2nd place

4x100 Relay 2nd place

J'Lee Ramsey 5th place 800 Meter Run

Jaden Pettigrew 2nd place 100 meter Hurdles

4th place Long Jump ORES STATE
Denver Bruner

Just a reminder, we still have these t-shirts for sale in the front office! They are $10. Come by and get you one!

Our drama kiddos are working hard! A few were able to do some sewing today while others ran lines.

PARENTS: Please fill out this short survey linked below!

***Attention parents/guardians: this will be available at Maryetta School. ***

Weekly Events!

The time has come! It's time to Dance the night away. Prepay will be accepted until 3:00. After that it's $35 at the door.

It's that time of year again... state testing!
Our teachers are ready, our students are ready - we got this!
State testing begins on TUESDAY, APRIL 16th. Our third graders will test on Tuesday the 16th and Wednesday the 17th. Grades 4th-8th will begin on the 18th. Testing can be stressful so to help them do their best make sure your student gets good sleep every night. This means at least 9-10 hours per night with NO electronics at least 2 hours before bedtime. Students need to be ON TIME or EARLY to school on test days. Being late to school creates lots of additional stress and may mean they will have to do make up testing.
We want to make sure that test days are stress free - so help your student by making sure they have good sleep, arrive early, eat breakfast (at home or at school) and have your support at home. They got this!