***Attention parents/guardians: free haircuts on Monday, August 5th at the Stilwell B&G's Club Armory.
8 months ago, Aky'sha Teehee
Maryetta 1-5th graders that would like to have the ultimate Raider Cheer experience. Sign Ups have started. We will be doing an Open House Special. Sign up and pay at Maryetta Open House and the cost will be $20 for one or $30 for siblings. After that it will be $25 for one or $40 for Siblings. We hope you will join us for a great time.
8 months ago, Amanda Huval
We are starting sign ups for Future Cheer. It will be earlier than normal this year on Aug 29th. You can pick up forms in the front office or they will be given out at Open house.
8 months ago, Amanda Huval
Future Cheer
Some work has to be done on the weight room so, THERE WILL BE NO SUMMER PRIDE ON MONDAY JULY 8th!!!!!!! Summer Pride will begin on TUESDAY JULY 9th!
8 months ago, Kenny Littlefield
Parents of new 3 and 4 year olds and returning students who will be in PK(4) will need to schedule an appointment to get their child's Health screening done. If you are able to use Hastings in Tahlequah or Wilma P. Mankiller Clinic here in Stilwell, they have dates set. Please check flyers for dates and times.
9 months ago, Maryetta School
We have some of these shirts available for $10 in the Front Office.
9 months ago, Sheridan Soap
Help us welcome Rachelle English to Maryetta!
9 months ago, OWENS ASHLEY
Help us welcome Tonya Means to Maryetta!
9 months ago, Sheridan Soap
*Any 4-H kids showing livestock in the Adair County Fair please read below: Animals for all premium eligible classes must be owned and in the possession of the exhibitor by JULY 1ST 2024. Please email possession picture of exhibitor and animal at exhibitor's residence. *Exception Chickens/Rabbits. *Photo of Exhibitor with your animal please email to: ADAIRCOUNTYFREEFAIR@gmail.com
9 months ago, OWENS ASHLEY
Help us welcome Russ Turner to Maryetta!
9 months ago, Aky'sha Teehee
Help us welcome Coach Decker to Maryetta!
9 months ago, Sheridan Soap
This is the July Summer Pride schedule for 5th through 8th grade athletes. (Boys and Girls) It will begin July 8th and run for 4 weeks.
9 months ago, Kenny Littlefield
We hope you can make it to Adair Park tomorrow and join in on the fun.
9 months ago, Andolyn Campbell
Family Day
Wresting Camp —Free to any Maryetta student to attend! Contact Coach Henry at the high school or see the attached flyer for more details.
10 months ago, Carlene Yell
GO VOTE for Keenan Chavez! Please help him become a National winner!! Oklahoma art titled “A World of Peace.” Voting will be open from May 22 - June 4 on this site: https://doodles.google.com/d4g/ and the public vote will determine the contest finalists and winner. Google will announce these five National Finalists in late May. See attached press release for more information. NOTE: You can vote several times. Just use different devices (phone, computer, iPAD, etc). ALSO, you can vote DAILY!! Let’s get some positive press for our community, state and Cherokee Nation’s going!
10 months ago, Carlene Yell
The Summer food program will be at Maryetta Public Schools cafeteria May 28-June 21, 2024. It is FREE for anyone 18 and under! Breakfast will be at 8:00-9:00 AM. Lunch time has changed from 11:30-12:30 PM.
10 months ago, OWENS ASHLEY
Parents of new 3 and 4 year olds and returning students who will be in PK (4) will need to schedule an appointment to get their child's Health screening done. If you are able to use Hastings in Tahlequah or Wilma P. Mankiller Clinic here in Stilwell, they have dates set. Please check flyers for dates and times.
10 months ago, Maryetta School
pre enrollment
pre enrollment
Thank you Walmart for supporting Maryetta School!
10 months ago, Carlene Yell
Walmart grant
Copy and paste the link provided below to register for the event. https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_GNgirs1DQY2jofNv6vYdNA#/registration
10 months ago, Keisha Chewey
ask a therapist
Art Awards Ceremony held Friday, May 10th, 2024. Group 1 is 1st-4th grades and Group 2 is 5th-8th grade students. Congratulations to all our art contest winners! We are proud of you! Special “thank you” to our art teacher Mrs Sally Terrapin and Ms Granny Becky our Foster Grandparent Helper. #ItsAGreatDaytobeARaider
10 months ago, Carlene Yell
1-4 art
5-8 art