In honor of World Mental Health Day, here are some valuable book titles and resources for kids and families. You are not alone.
5 months ago, Sandra Adrian
Maryetta School Impact Aid Forms!!! Classrooms with 100% of forms returned by October 25, 2024 will receive a prize!!
5 months ago, Logan Turner
Impact Aid Poster
Parents/guardians: please make sure to fill out the Cherokee Nation dental forms, that were sent home, if you would like your student to get a dental exam. Cherokee Nation will be here to do them tomorrow and Wednesday, October 8th and October 9th. You can send the forms back to school with your student or bring them to the front office.
5 months ago, Aky'sha Teehee
In Psychomotor, 3's and 4's are starting to learn about running to bases and back to home plate. We are also learning how to pass and stop a ball with our feet. This is Mrs. Stilwell's P4 class.
5 months ago, Aky'sha Teehee
Weekly Events!
5 months ago, Maryetta School
ORES Cross Country runners are leaving Sallisaw and will be at the Bus Barn at 6:30pm. Congrats to our XC Team!
5 months ago, Keisha Chewey
Maryetta gear available online only. Please use the following link or scan the QR code on the flyer to view merchandise and order. The store will close on October 16th and items will arrive at the school a few weeks later.
5 months ago, Sheridan Soap
Our Maryetta Raiders did a great job today at the ORES State Cross Country meet in Shawnee. Our girls are the division 1 state runner up winners! Stella Bovos placed 1st, J'Leeanna Ramsey placed 3rd, and Ryli Workman placed 4th. Congratulations, we are so proud of you all!
5 months ago, Aky'sha Teehee
1st grade is working hard to become Lexia superstars!🌟
5 months ago, Aky'sha Teehee
There will be no cross country practice today after school, 10-04-24.
5 months ago, Aky'sha Teehee
Today, PK3 students enjoyed a visit from Fireman Tony and Olivia. We extend our gratitude to the Stilwell Fire Department for sharing valuable insights on fire safety.
5 months ago, Kelli Longshore
Games start at 5 pm. Come on out to cheer for the Raiders and enjoy some popcorn! Service and Leadership Club will be selling Raider Nation shirts for $15 cash or check (made out to Maryetta School)! Go Raiders!
5 months ago, Keisha Chewey
Tulsa State Fair parents: We are coming through Ft. Gibson now. We should arrive back to school at approximately 4:45. Pick them up over by Boys and Girls club.
5 months ago, Allison Biederstadt
Get ready for a GLOWING FUN time with our friends from Amazeum!! Please make plans to join us Monday, October 14th at 5:30 in the Old Gym. EXCITED to see YOU!!
6 months ago, Family Engagement
Family Engagement
Please join us for our Fall Harvest Carnival on Friday, November 1st from 5:30-7:30pm! We will have live music, games, chili supper, and auction baskets! All proceeds will go towards Christmas for the students!
6 months ago, OWENS ASHLEY
Weekly Events!
6 months ago, Maryetta School
Live Results for the O.R.E.S. State Tournament on Saturday September 28, 2024: Brought to you by:
6 months ago, Logan Turner
8th Grade Softball Lady Raiders
Winners for last week's Golden Lunch Tray and Golden Trash Can are: Mrs. George's Kindergarten class, Ms. Huval's 4th grade class and our 5th & 6th Grade Football Boys and not pictured for Golden Trash Can is 1st Grade Boys and Girls!! Great job, Raiders, on using your manners and cleanliness!
6 months ago, Keisha Chewey
6 months ago, Keisha Chewey
Reminder TOMORROW: Sports pictures for cross country, football, cheer, and softball. Ruth Kelly will be here at 8:00 am. Students: please make sure you bring your sports and cheer uniforms for tomorrow!
6 months ago, Kenny Littlefield